User base Drivers installation - Max Audio Pro For Dell

User base drivers?

yes, We have some drivers which need to be installed in the users' contexts.

This post is not about the driver's installation but moreover about installing any package which is purely created for the user. 

The below script will install the user base "Max Audio Pro For Dell" drives post Task Sequence execution and on first-time users login into the machine.

We have to place the whole setup file along with the below script on the target machine for user base installation post Task Sequence.

The trigger.bat we have to create with the script code:

MKDIR "C:\ProgramData\OSD_MaxAudio"

xcopy.exe ".\*.*" "C:\ProgramData\OSD_MaxAudio" /D /E /C /I /Q /H /R /Y /S

Services management during OSD Task Execution

Hello Friends, During the OSD Task Sequence execution process, We have to disable and stop some services, or sometimes we have to enable and start the services from Windows services.msc console.

We can use cmdlet from PowerShell "set-service" to manage the services on the windows operating system.

To manage the bunch of services during Task Sequence execution, We have created the below PowerShell script and managed some of the services. you can change the service name and startup type as per your requirement.

also, you can use this PowerShell script before capture the WIM file or it can be used during the TS execution time. in both scenarios, we can manage the services.

Services management during OSD Task Execution
Use the below script to manage the services during OSD.

Inject the Drivers during Task Sequence execution via Auto IT Script

Hello Friends, Here is another way to inject the drivers is based on the hardware mode. This time we are using the AutoIT script solution to create the script and us in the Task Sequence.

In order to achieve this method follow the below steps. 

1. Create the folder structure as below.

        a. Vendor\Hardware model\

2. Download the AutoIT script editor here and install it on your machine.

3. Write the below script in the "SciTE Script Editor" located  at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\AutoIt v3

Inject the Drivers during Task Sequence execution via Auto IT Script

4. Save the file as InjectDrivers.au3