User base Drivers installation - Max Audio Pro For Dell

User base drivers?

yes, We have some drivers which need to be installed in the users' contexts.

This post is not about the driver's installation but moreover about installing any package which is purely created for the user. 

The below script will install the user base "Max Audio Pro For Dell" drives post Task Sequence execution and on first-time users login into the machine.

We have to place the whole setup file along with the below script on the target machine for user base installation post Task Sequence.

The trigger.bat we have to create with the script code:

MKDIR "C:\ProgramData\OSD_MaxAudio"

xcopy.exe ".\*.*" "C:\ProgramData\OSD_MaxAudio" /D /E /C /I /Q /H /R /Y /S

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\OSD_MaxAudio" /v StubPath /t REG_SZ /d "powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file C:\ProgramData\OSD_MaxAudio.ps1-windowstyle hidden" /f

Save the above code in trigget.bat along with the PS1 script,

Create the SCCM package and distribute the contents on the required DP.

In the Task Sequence add step anywhere post SCCM package install and post the first reboot.

use trigget.bat as an install program for this package.

Below is the PowerShell script used to run the drivers in the user's context.



    User base Drivers installation - Max Audio Pro For Dell


    This script will help us to install the User base Drivers for Max Audio Pro For Dell



    Created with:     Windows PowerShell ISE

    Created on:       August 27, 2017 1:25:44 PM

    Created by:       Dashrath Chate

    Organization:     Organization Name



Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU' -Name 'UseWUServer' -Value '0' -Force -Confirm:$false

Add-AppxPackage -Path $PSScriptRoot\MAXX\MaxxAudioProForDell2019_2.0.54.0_x64.appx

Add-AppxPackage -Path $PSScriptRoot\MAXX\Dell_Pointstick.Appx

Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU' -Name 'UseWUServer' -Value '1' -Force -Confirm:$false

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