Cleanup unwanted files from the reference machine during Image Capture

Hello Friends, how are you doing today?

While capturing the WIM file, the Build Engineer has to clean the temp files created during the Image customization.

Also need to perform the System drive cleanup for defragmenting and windows update cleanup.

We have a simple solution to perform Image cleanup by executing the below batch script.

Cleanup unwanted files from the reference machine during Image Capture

Move all desktop shortcuts into one folder after complete the OSD

Hi folks, while working on projects we are getting so many Image customization requests and we have to fulfill those in a timed manner.

Here is one requirement requested by one of the customers to remove all the installed application shortcuts from the desktop and place them into one single folder on the desktop. The idea behind it freshly build machine's desktop should be clean and users should not bother with so many shortcuts.

While executing the applications from TS, machine base application shortcuts are getting created in the public user’s desktop and normal users cannot delete or move these shortcuts by themselves as they don’t have permissions to the public desktop directory.

Cool, we can move all the installed application shortcuts to a single folder in one click. How? using below script 😊

Xcopy during the Task Sequence execution achieve through batch file

Hey guys, We have to place wallpapers, screen savers, user profile pictures, machine base run scripts, userbase runonce scripts into the machine.

We cannot add these files and scripts into the WIM because it needs to change from time to time and should use the latest as per customer requirements. That’s why we always add these types of files into Task Sequence.

There is Xcopy command utility we can use in our script program to get this done.

While using the xcopy always use the %~dp0 and provide either each file name to copy to the destination or use wildcard *.*