Xcopy during the Task Sequence execution achieve through batch file

Hey guys, We have to place wallpapers, screen savers, user profile pictures, machine base run scripts, userbase runonce scripts into the machine.

We cannot add these files and scripts into the WIM because it needs to change from time to time and should use the latest as per customer requirements. That’s why we always add these types of files into Task Sequence.

There is Xcopy command utility we can use in our script program to get this done.

While using the xcopy always use the %~dp0 and provide either each file name to copy to the destination or use wildcard *.*

"xcopy.exe "<file.extention>" C:\Windows\Web\" /D /E /C /I /Q /H /R /Y /S

del /f C:\Windows\Web\xcopy.bat"

save it a trigger.bat along with the files to be copied and create the SCCM package.

Deploy the package on required DPs and use the run command line step in TS.

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