START/ STOP services and rename any folder

Hey Guys, What's up? 


Today we are going to automate and deploy the below tasks.

Stop Services

Perform Operations (rename folder)

Start Services



Update Task Sequence, DP info in registry

Hello Friends,

Is there a way I can know which task sequence is used to deploy a particular machine?

Yes, we can update the registry key with the Task Sequence info like, which Task Sequence is used to deploy the OS on a particular machine?

from Which DP the contents are downloaded? Is the machine built with Boot media or it is PXE boot?

Is this a machine desktop or laptop? what is the machine type, machine model?

Also, we can get when the machine is imaged(date and time when the Task Sequence is deployed).

First, we have to gather all the information which we want to update in the registry.

let's take the example of DP's name...

How do we know from which DP the contents are getting downloaded? from where I can get this information? is it a simple variable which I can use to update the registry? No.

While running the Task Sequence all the variable data is stored in a .dat file and we can fetch that using "New-Object -ComObject 'Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment"

Update WoLWAN settings on Wireless Adaptor

Hello Guys,

As an SCCM administrator, we are receiving the requirement to deploy applications, patches, application updates post OSD.

Sometimes we have to modify the OS-related settings like if a particular file is present on the machine, then run remediation script OR if a particular setting is present on the machine, then change it with new settings.

In this scenario, we are going to change the Wireless Adaptor settings related to Power Management.

Yes, I am talking about Wake on LAN settings WoL. Microsoft has released Information about power management settings on a network adapter. Click HERE to read the Microsoft kb article. This article is important to learn more about the PnPCapabilities values and how to use its combinations. In this article, MS provided information on how to use the registry key if we are using this for broad deployment purposes.

Ok, here we are focusing on the Wireless adaptor and will create a PowerShell script using the above-mentioned settings in the script.

We are using the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\DeviceNumber registry settings to update the wireless settings.