Connect SCCM console via PowerShell

PowerShell is a more powerful tool to manage the System Center Configuration Manager.

To connect the SCCM using PowerShell, you can use the below PowerShell script.

When you execute any cmdlets or script by using the PowerShell console, your cmdlets or script will be runs in the primary site server.

Add the below line into the PS Script when you are importing the SCCM module first time on the machine.

Uninstall application from computer powershell - If computer name ends with latter D

Sometime before I have received one crazy request from the team, They want to uninstall 2 plugin apps from the production machine. but the condition is if the machine name ends with letter "D" then only start uninstallation from the machine, else leave the applications as it is.

In the PowerShell script first, we have to determine the computer name and then check if the machine name is ending with the letter D and finally we have to start the uninstallation from the target machine.

so here are 3 requirement block has to write in the script.

in the Uninstallation program name, we have used the uninstallation string from registry - Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\

if the application is x64 bit version then we have to collect the uninstallation string from the registry path -Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall.

Image Validation Script used in TS execution, OSD validation

Hello Friends,

As a build administrator, post Operating system deployment, Image Validation is a very very important task. There are multiple parameters we have to check post OS installation.
Like, we have to check each and every application installed on the machine and also check the version of each application, whether it's installed correctly or not?

We have to check whatever the patches we have targeted to the device are installed properly or not?

Sometimes we are getting requirements from clients saying that we have to set some services in disabled mode and some services we need to set as an automatic start. These services' startup type and status should be the same as we configured before executing Task Sequence or while capturing the WIM file.

Manual drivers validation is again a very difficult task, why not capture all the drivers installed on the machine and save it in the same CSV file for further validation.